Friday, November 30, 2012

(Resisting the inevitable title of) November Rain

We are thankful for November, for we were able to see family for the first time since we moved out here. In a span of two weeks, we were visited by Joe's mom, as well as my parents and my aunt and uncle.

We took them around to the highlights of Pullman, and Moscow, and got the opportunity to pop in and out of some of the little shops in our downtown, including quite accidentally stumbling into a bookshop with stacks piled so high, you thought one misstep on the creaky wooden floor might land you with a pile of paperbacks on your head. My mother-in-law was tickled to find an Alaskan wild game cookbook ( good if you ever need to make beaver stew) at Brused Books, and I picked up a copy of The Letters of E.B. White, and a children's book written in 1929. Maggie found the latest in her Cat Warrior series, and Andrew snagged a well-loved Leo Lionni story collection.

We toured my family around the WSU campus, including a trip to Ferdinand's Dairy - an ice cream shop run by the animal/food science students, which makes all their own ice cream onsite, as well as  their famously yummy "Cougar Gold" cheese:

We also visited the Conner museum,  an exhibit within the biological sciences building displaying  hundreds of vertebrate birds and mammals.

"Canis Lupus! What are you doing here?!" - Fantastic Mr. Fox

I thought the leaves would all be gone by the time we had visitors, but there was still quite a bit of fall color around town. Unfortunately they also got the gray and rainy version of the Palouse, not the clear, dry  and sunny version we had seen for most of the late summer into early fall.

Otherwise in November, we kept busy with scouts, orchestra, and mock elections. And, Maggie got her braces off! She'd been saving aside an envelope filled with bubblegum and  Laffy Taffy for the big day, but the orthodontist's office also presented her with a tower of goodies:

We had the whole week off of school/university for Thanksgiving break, so we drove to Utah (via Boise) for an extended stay. More on that trip in the next post.
 Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! We miss you!
